I’ve always been a fan of Niche Marketing for years. At some time over the course of the last 5 years, I’ve had sites that have dealt with Recycling, Sleeping Babies, and even Red Headed Parrots. Here’s more about Niche Marketing if you’ve never looked into it:

Why Niche Affiliate Marketing is the Way to Go

Niche marketing means finding a smaller segment of customers to target within a larger market. Instead of taking the broad approach and trying to appeal to everybody, you choose a smaller group of people with a strong common interest to market to.

For example, instead of targeting the keyword phrase ‘weight loss,’ you would target ëgreen tea for weight loss.’ Rather than a broad term like ‘stress management,’ you might choose ‘how to manage stress with meditation.’ Niche marketing is like targeting a niche within a niche.

Internet marketing has been around for years now and all of the general niches have become overrun with competition. This is why so many savvy marketers have turned to niche marketing. It offers some great advantages for you. At the end of this post, I’ll share my favorite training with you.

Focus Your Resources

You can’t market your products or services to everybody and their grandma without draining your resources quickly, especially if you are an independent entrepreneur. Niche marketing allows you to focus your efforts and funds on a very specific market. This creates more efficiencies and economies of scale that you could never achieve with a large market. You’ll also have to run fewer ads, which means that you’ll save money on advertising.

Stronger Customer Loyalty

Niche marketing involves focusing on a small group of people who are really into what you’re selling. Just imagine promoting general dog care products versus promoting skin care products for Italian greyhounds. Your niche market is made up of fans and they’re hungrier for specific goods. You already know that when they arrive at your site they are ready to buy.

Know Your Customers

Because they’re so loyal and hardcore about what they love, you’ll also have a better opportunity to get to know your target market well. They’ll be more like-minded and easier for you to label and understand. You’ll know exactly the kinds of products or services that are going to solve their problems, answer their questions or help them achieve their goals.

Credibility and Specialization

With a highly-focused niche market, it’s much easier to establish yourself as an expert. Using the Italian greyhound example above, it’s much easier for you to learn everything there is to know about this one dog breed than to become an expert on all-things-dog. You can specialize and use this specialized expertise to build credibility.

Less Competition

Probably the biggest advantage of niche marketing is that there’s less competition. You might be the first Internet marketer to decide to become an expert on raising snails. With a minimum of effort, you can own the niche.

The Downsides of Niche Marketing

You’re probably ready to start your first niche site already, but before you do that, there are some disadvantages to niche marketing as well. For one thing, because you’re targeting a small market, there may not be as much profit potential. You’re marketing to a smaller group of people. Take some extra time when choosing a niche to make sure that it consists of people that are actually buying something.

It also takes dedication to do well in a niche market. What this means is that you really have to do your research. It can take a lot of time to gain this knowledge and build this credibility. However, if you choose a good niche and create great content that meets the market’s needs, hang in there and you can make a nice living that can replace your day job.

The best product and training I’ve found on Niche Marketing is through NICHE PROFIT CLASSROOM, its where I learned the entire concept and was able to implement for my sites. It’s very Through and Robust for training. If Niche Marketing interests you – I’d check it out. You’d be surprised at all the different Niche’s out there!
