For Network Marketers – My Why

I truly enjoy traditional business but I thought I’d share more about why Network Marketing appeals to me and why I am passionate about helping other Network Marketers grow their business whether they share in my opportunity or not. I do this because, if we’re willing to work for it – WE ALL DESERVE TO LIVE OUR DREAMS. And I want to help you do just that, while living mine.

Years ago, I figured out that my purpose in life is: To Live a Life of Creative Service, Joyful Kindness and Faithful Freedom. When I am not inline with this, I just feel off. Mentoring and coaching others helps me serve joyfully. THIS IS MY WHY – living out my purpose in life. All the “stuff” that comes with it is just a huge bonus. Helping other is just my “Thing” and at a higher level, what I love to do the most.

Relationships are the critical element to business. People do business with people they know, like and trust. It is an old maybe trite adage, but it is true. And that is what Network Marketing is all about – Relationships and Trust.

Building on that idea: determination, drive and focused work are the keys to success. I know this! Freedom & flexibility through my own business is critical. I do not mind working hard. What I am building now allows me to spend as much time as possible with my husband, family and community – where I love to be engaged.

Network Marketing is a great vehicle and a legitimate form of Direct Sales where leverage is key. I know there have been scams out there. And,yes, I’ve heard all about the Pyramid or Ponzi schemes. They happened, get over it and do your due diligence when investigating a company going forward. When there’s an issue, it usually isn’t about the company but about you and your conviction and beliefs.

I face objections all the time. And you know what? It is a matter of education and understanding. Not everyone is going to get it or whats to get it, they prefer to ignore the opportunity by calling it a scam, when many times they are just plain lazy and want a quick solution to financial challenges. For those that do get it and are willing to work, the future is bright!

In every industry bad things happen to good (and bad) people – look what happened to Wall Street in 2008, yet many of us still use banks and financial advisors, right?! You cannot let a few bad apples spoil the whole lot.

If MaryKay, Avon, Tupperware, and Pampered Chef can be in business as long as they have been and be as successful – you know it can be done properly and for many years. Let’s face it – a large number of companies fail and most of them are NOT in network marketing. It is certain people in network marketing that fail either because of lack of training and mentoring or lack of motivation, conviction and belief. There is no magic button or pill that will make “IT” happen for me, I get that. There is no get rich quick scheme out there. I know that and appreciate that I get to create it as I want.

I don’t know about you but I’ll venture to guess you might agree with me on some of the thoughts above. It may be harsh but true.

The best thing about having my own businesses is the flexibility it allows me. Yes, I work hard but I love being able to go to the grocery store in the middle of the day or the gym and then have the time to take my kids to Karate or other classes. All the while I know my business is growing. I also enjoy that my business can be run at different hours. I am not in an 8-5 situation anymore. Along with working during “normal hours”, sometimes I work from 5am-7am or 7pm to 9pm, depending on what else I have going on with my family or volunteer work.

I haven’t seen a traditional 40 hour work week in quite a while. And yes, sometimes I work 10 hours a week and other times I work 60. My choice. This comes from my energy level and drive. I am willing to put the time and energy into my business that it takes. I am 1000% committed to being of value to others and helping others.

I’ve always been open to opportunity. In 2008 my family was a victim of the economic downturn with one of our businesses and a traditional employment role. While my spouse and I started a new business together, I wanted something more I could nuture and grow on my own. My individual entrepreneurial spirit wanted to be fed. Be careful what you ask for!

Soon after I put that out there I was talking with a good friend who quit her 6 figure management consultant job because she wanted out of the grind to have freedom and flexibility. She chose her path and was very happy. I’d been in Network Marketing before, with poor up-line training and only moderate success. I told her I believed in the industry wholeheartedly if you had the right mentoring and sponsorship. I had been burned and I wasn’t interested. A few months later during one of our conversations it was one of those “timing is everything aha moments” for me and I had a choice to make, which I did. And back in Network Marketing I found myself. “They” say the third, or fourth or fifth time is the charm and I think “They” are right. I am having the time of my life.

Find your passion and be open to opportunity. There is plenty of space out there in the market for all kinds of products and services. Find one you are passionate about and learn how to market it. We’re not born with these skills – we learn them.

Here I am with a primary opportunity that I love and the timing couldn’t be better. My days haven’t always been easy but I am proud of the fact that they are MY days and what I am working on benefits me and my team.

I’m looking forward to helping others achieve their goals, no matter the opportunity. Timing truly is everything!