Hello there! This fine day Begins the “Today I Will “Series based on the motivational cards by Melody Beattie.

The first card drawn from the set is….Drum Roll Please…..

Today I Will Achieve Clarity In My Relationships

Most people are in many different relationships – as a parent, as an employee or employer, as a spouse or significant other, as a volunteer, and the list goes on with not all relationships being romantic. Life is about relationships with others and how we interact with each other.

Our relationships will have highs and lows and times when we need patience and understanding as we maneuver through them. And sometimes we get to a point where a relationship has completed its course and must come to an end. Today’s card places emphasis in achieving around where you are in regards to relationships.

– Are you in need of looking at certain relationships to make them better or take them to the next level?

– Have you completed with certain relationships and need to decide if it is time to move on?

– Is there a relationship that makes you so happy you want to shout it from the rooftops?

Take a moment to reflect on the relationships in your life. Enjoy your day!