Hello World! Today brings us the following thought:

Today I Will Focus On The Substance In My Life

The first couple of cards were a little easier to digest for me. This once gave me pause. The full card talks about not getting caught in the trappings of relationships and other areas of your life and being real. So, I paused to think about what being real means to me and I came up with the following (which is just a start):

I love my life, my family, my role in my community and giving back to make the lives of others better when I can. I am someone who likes to jump from task to task and get things done. So yes, I multi-task ALOT and while that is me, sometimes I don’t enjoy it and wish I didn’t have to be the queen multi-tasker. There are just too many things in life I want to do! I can be chaotic and run at a fast pace or I can go to the opposite extreme and get lazy. Friendships are important to me. I like people and being around people. I am caring and compassionate and I carry myself with a great deal of integrity. I strive to be positive as much as possible and believe the glass is half full. These things and more are a part of who I am and are real to me.

What about you? Tell me a little bit about being real for you.

I look forward to your comments.