Hey everyone! Our card today is quite a good one:

Today I Will Own My Own Power and Be Direct

Our message for the day is to be clear and honest in your dealings with other people and to be comfortable in your own truth because then those around you will be comfortable with you too. This card is perfect for me today as I have been in a quandry over what to do with a project and a how to handle the specific situation. I initiated the project and since then there have been a number of new developments on my end. I keep thinking I can make the project work but I came to the realization this morning that I won’t be able to move it forward without conflict. I have lost some sleep on it and at this point I get the fun of being direct.

Is there someone of something that you need to be direct about in your life?

Being direct doesn’t mean being rude and nasty. You can be polite and tactful while being direct.

Until next time,