One of my favorite mindset quotes or sayings that I’ve heard time and time again is “Do the Right Things Long Enough – Consistently”.

The definition of the word consistently means steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.

Yah yah, lots of big words I know.

What this boils down to in your business is THIS:

Business is a long term planning process and not a get rich quick plan.

When you work your business CONSISTENTLY — meaning on a regular basis you’ll get somewhere.

After being consistent you have to do THE RIGHT THINGS – meaning revenue producing activitites

After being consistent and doing the right things, you have to do them LONG ENOUGH – meaning don’t quit when it doesn’t work in 30, 60 or 90 days.

And I’m going to let you in on a little secret…this applies to LIFE too!

Whether you’re learning a new hobby, working on losing weight or even working in your business when you do the right things, long enough, consistently, you will lead yourself to success.

What happens when you feel you can’t do this alone? This is when you ask for help from a coach or a mentor.

I wrote a post on WHY you want to hire a coach HERE

My questions to you today…Are you doing the right things? Have you been consistent with them? 

If not, there’s always time to start getting on track today. You know what you have to do.

Figure out what you need next or how to get the help you desire to get you there. Your heart will tell you.

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