It’s birthday time around here at Let’s all give a nice big shout out to my baby! 4 years ago today on December 4, 2009 I wrote my first blog post and put up

It was the start of a new journey. A time of renewal in my life. A time of rebirth. If you know my story, you know this to be true.

I want to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!

You see, just like parenting, every year I reminisce about the birth of my blog and website. It was also a growth point in my business as I was ready to embark on something new. I didn’t know what I didn’t knew when it came to blogging. And just like when I brought my son home from the hospital and I had no idea how to bathe a baby or even really change a diaper, the beautiful thing about blogging is that you learn as you go.

Over the years when blogging was HOT. I was in syndication groups, tribes and such. I had all kinds of things going on related to my blog. I posted frequently. I ran around and made comments on everyone’s blogs so they’d leave comments on mine. I focused on my Google Analytics and Alexa ranking. And then this year I stopped all that.

This year was the year to be more laid back. Just as any child matures and you realize they don’t need you as much, neither did she. of course, I posted from time to time but for the most part I spent my time working directly with the people. She wasn’t pulling on my skirt to be with her or help her. While she may only be 4 in numbers. She acted like she was 14. Calling to me when she needed me yet keeping me at a distance the rest of the time. Thus allowing my focus drifted from blogging to working directly one on one with people as well as working with them in small groups.

And you know what? It all worked out great and we’re all happy and fine.

And to that I say to you again, “Happy Birthday Baby!”


I can’t wait to see where the next year takes us together.

