The dictionary definition of the word patience as it relates to my writing today is: Tolerant and even-tempered perseverance or the capacity for calmly enduring pain, trying situations, etc.

I don’t know about you and your business but I know the past two years have required a lot of patience on my part. I’ve been laying the ground work that has moved me towards today for what feels like eons. I’m here to provide a reminder to BE PATIENT. PERSEVERE.

Last night, before dinner and after a long day, my littlest child of preschool age threw a huge hissy fit over not getting what she wanted – more play doh. At the time, it was frustrating for those of us around her who were telling her, “No, you cannot have what you want right now, even if you ask nicely, because we need to save some for your brother.” A full blown tantrum on the living room floor ensued. And then a few minutes later she was on her way to play with something else. We were patient with her while she was not.

I don’t know about you but there has been at least a time or two in my adult life where I wanted to drop to the floor and pitch a fit while screaming: “It isn’t fair!” I am thankful those around me were patient with me at that time.

Children are beautiful windows to see through. Their unguarded, unbridled passing for life continues to amaze me. Having not yet mastered the social graces or virtues like patience, there is a pure honesty and authenticity in so much of what they do. Even if we as parents don’t always enjoy the outbursts, there is something to be said for their passion and commitment to try to get what they want.

I go back to BE PATIENT. PERSEVERE. You have to keep dripping on things and doing the work.

As Henry David Thoreau wrote: “Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Imagined.”

Quite a while back, at least 6 months ago, I put out an intention to an organization around working together in the future and that I would wait for the right time. I didn’t pursue it and went about my business. Life and work started to get busy and I started to take on multiple projects. While trying to keep up with everything guess what happened? Yup, I got the call this week of an offer to work and play together. While my logical brain went into overdrive on how I was going to make the time work, what I would shift, was there enough time to take this on, etc – the heart side of my brain said, “Yes, this is what you’ve been waiting for, this is work you are called to do, the rest will flow.”

My patience and perseverance had delivered my desire. I’ll figure out the rest.

Where can you plant a positive intention for your life or business, then tend the seeds and wait for the results?

Something to think about.

It would mean a lot to me if you would share this post with others as a reminder to be patient and to work towards your dreams. Also, I’d love to hear your comments on Patience. Please leave me a note below.