Happy New Year Dear Friends!

I cannot believe it is New Year’s Eve. Another revolution around the sun is just about complete. Another year passes in life. As I take time to reflect back on the year I realize I am in a much different, and better, place than I was on January 1, 2010. And it feels good!

2010 was a year of new adventures, new friendships, new projects. A year of newness on a lot of levels.
And at the same time it was a year of family and old friends. I’m grateful and honored to have great people in my life and I cannot wait to see what 2011 has in store. I say, “Bring it 2011!”

2010 was a year of preparation and planning. I spent a lot of time getting processes set up and digging into a log of different tools and techniques to see what worked for my life and business. I will share much more of that with you, dear readers, in 2011 so that what I’ve learned can help you in your life and business.

But first, my wish for you in 2011:

My wish for you is that you Play With Abandon in 2011. While you may work really hard in many areas of your life,  we know what happens to Jack when he is “all work and no play”. If you’re not doing it, now is the time to think about where you can integrate a bit more fun into you life. I know I could use a little more play at times!

Another lesson from First Grade

This wish comes from an observation I made during my volunteer time with my son’s first grade class. While we were in the classroom the children were working hard at the task at hand – math, reading, writing – all the fundamentals that new learners need. It was serious time and all were devoted to their work (as well as a 6 year old can). Then it was recess time – WHAM! Out in the playground they ran and laughed and jumped and shouted. All seemingly without a care in the world. It was precious. And that is when it occurred to me that they were playing free from worry or constraint – which is one of the definitions of Abandon.

Therefore, that is my wish for you (and for me) – that you remember to have some time in 2011 where you Play with Abandon and free yourself from worry or constraint as often as possible.

Happy New Year to all!