When you don’t want to admit you need help, you stay stuck. Asking questions to move your business along and asking for help is a good thing. It shows you coming from a place of advancement and moving forward.

When someone asks: What can I do to help you today? You may be surprised if you actually answer the question.

I work with students all the time and many of them give me the deer in the headlights look when I ask this questions and instead they say “I don’t know, I’m so overwhelmed.”

Well, one key to disarming the overwhelm bug from its hold is to acknowledge where you are and where you can use guidance or assistance in your business or life. For example, I learned long ago that it is better to hire someone to help you with tasks that you aren’t good at or don’t know how to do. This is a form of asking for help.

Asking for help does not mean you are helpless. Just the opposite — it means you are strong and know how to get where you want to go and that you get out of your own way.

Something to think about….how often do you ask for help? AND gladly receive it?

I’d love to hear your answers! Drop me a comment and please share this message as it may help someone get unstuck.
