3 Benefits of Alone Time for Entrepreneurs

by | May 17, 2022 | Business in General, Marketing in General | 0 comments

If you talk to individuals who are highly creative, one of the common themes you’ll find among them is that they enjoy being by themselves. It allows them to have quiet time, which can sometimes be really essential to honing in on your creativity. I don’t know about you but my life is super busy between kids, clients and the outside hobbies I like to pursue. Sometimes bliss is found when there’s no one around but me. It’s ok to be along and need some down time.

Let’s take a look at some benefits of spending time alone and how that can help boost your creativity in the process.

Benefit #1 – Increased Concentration

When you’re alone and not distracted, it’s easier to concentrate, which in turn can also help with your productivity. But there is one thing worth mentioning here and it has to do with distractions. Being alone with the TV on or while sitting in front of your computer is not the same thing as truly spending time with just yourself. Instead, find a place you can devote specifically to quiet alone time where you are free from distractions. Then set aside a specific time each time to go to that quiet space and let your creativity flow.

Benefit #2 – Clear Your Mind

When you spend time alone, free from distractions, you’ll find that it’s a quick and easy way to clear your mind. Not only does it free you from all the chaotic thoughts that race around in your head continually, it’s also an opportunity to unwind and relax. Creativity thrives when your body is relaxed and you’re mind is free of mental clutter. Again, just like mentioned in the benefit above, make time each day to clear your mind so you can tap into your creative self.

Benefit #3 – Problem Solving

Another benefit of spending time alone – and again we’re talking about quiet, distraction-free alone time – is that it gives you the space to problem solve. This is essential for increased creativity. When you begin to train yourself to spend quiet time alone and tap into your creative side, you’ll be able to start thinking about different solutions to solve a problem(s) you’re having. You can then begin to solve problems more effectively.

Does all this sound just a bit like meditation? Perhaps. But here’s the key: When you make time to be alone – even if it’s just 20 minutes every day – your brain then becomes free to do what it does best – think. When you’re constantly bombarded by input from your smart phone, the television, a conversation with your spouse or coworker, the podcast you’re listening to and more, there simply isn’t room in your head for anything else.

So allow your brain the luxury of quiet time. You might just be surprised at how creative you can be, when you’re not so busy with other things.


Written by VaNessa Duplessie

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