I’ve said before that I am a glass is half full positive kind of person 99% of the time. It isn’t always easy but I do my best to stay in that zone. The other day I was listening to a news broadcast in the car – something I rarely do, as I usually listen to tapes or CD’s for personal development. Well, as the news went on it was nothing but doom and gloom. It’s no wonder folks in our society are in a state of despair and depression. If negativity is what you put in your mind then that is how you’ll feel and react to life.
Here are 5 quick tips to help you get your Positive Mind on Track and Keep You going on a daily basis.
1) Turn off the radio in the car and pop in an audio book or CD that is inspiring and uplifting. You can borrow them from your local Library for free. It can be a non-fiction book, a fiction book, personal development audio, business audio. Whatever you enjoy most. For me, I listen to business books, “how to” books and non fiction.
2) Don’t watch the news first thing in the morning. I watch 5 minutes for the weather so I know what to wear for the day and that is it. If something major is happening in the World, I’ll know because I’ll scan for it on the internet, leaving most of the junk out of my brain. I really don’t need to hear about the bank that was under suspiscion for violating FDIC rules, or the father who beat his wife and the children turned him in. I do want to know that Nashville is going through a terrible flood. And if something major is going on I’ll hear about it from friends or family.
3) Find a 3-5 minute practice that you can do every morning to start your day. I start my day by lighting a candle and making a cup of coffee, setting the intention for a great day ahead. I am pretty routine about this but it gets my day going in the right direction. If I have to hop out of bed and hit the ground running, I just feel off.
4) Plan what you can the night before. To make our crazy mornings easier, I try to get the kids backpacks and clothes ready the night before. It takes a few extra minutes but makes the morning flow smoother. It could be that you pack your briefcase and set it by the door, or make your lunch the night before. One small task that can be done early helps a great deal.
5) Lastly – get up a little bit earlier or stay up a little later. I am an early bird vs. a night owl. I get up before the rest of the house so that I can have some time to ease into my day, maybe do a little work or plan my schedule for the day. (You can reverse this if you are a night owl). By being more organized and feeling less stress, you’ll be more relaxed and apt to be happier which brings on positive feelings.
There are many more things that help me stay positive but these 5 quick ideas will start you on your way to more peace and positivity. The goal is to keep your mind in a state of “It is a good day, I can do this, Life is good, I feel energetic” rather than, “What a day, This stinks, I’m tired, I don’t want to do this etc.”
Positivity helps with productivity.
All the best!
P.S. For more information or to find out how we can work together call me at 503-780-3203 or email me at vanessa@vanessaduplessie.com. View the video www.15toprofit.com/vanessa to learn more about creating freedom and flexibility in your life.
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