Inspired Clarity Conversations is Live! (Are You Ready to Expand?)

by | Oct 5, 2010 | Marketing in General | 0 comments

Happy Day Everyone! I wanted to take a moment to share with you all that
Inspired Clarity Conversations, my new Radio Show has now gone live.

We launched yesterday and you can find the download/play now link here:

My first interview was with Greg McGreevey from the Fruit Valley Foundation.
He’s a great guy and it was great to listen to all of their offerings.

I’d love it if you’d take a moment to listen and pass on this message so others
can do the same. Next Monday I will continue the series on Non-Profits. To find out more visit:

Curious about the subject line for this message? The story behind that is about being open and willing to try new things even when you are not sure. Even if you are not a risk taker there are areas and ways you can take steps forward to expand you sphere. That is exactly what I did when I decided to play with radio.

Had I ever done this before? No. Was I nervous? Absolutely.

My husband’s comment yesterday, “You? The public speaker? Nervous?”

I replied, “I sure was, and I feel better now that the first one is done.”

I was worried about running the controls, worried that the audio wouldn’t work, worried that I was nervous and that there would be lots of dead air. But you know what? I still went forward. I took those fears and plowed through. (And of course, I called my best friend before and after, which made me feel better!)

Whatever you may be worried about or working through. Know that by expanding yourself, as nervous as you may be, something good may just be waiting on the other side.

Wishing you a great week.

If you listen to the show and are so inclined, please pass it along so others can learn about the show and the organizations joining us. And don’t forget to make a comment below!

Written by VaNessa Duplessie

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