Technology and Entrepreneurs – Are you afraid?

by | Oct 29, 2010 | Business in General | 4 comments

Computers, Smart Phones, Texting, Social Media, High Definition TV, Video Email, DVRs, blogs, websites. Technology is connecting our world and expanding it at hyper-speed. Are you afraid? I am and I ‘get’ it. I love my computer, I love my iPhone, couldn’t live without my DVR, and text and email with the best of them. I am very afraid of what this means for the future or relationships and society. But that’s for another post.

I admit it, I use technology to my advantage. I run a pretty mobile office where I can work from anywhere. Here’s a photo of my computer in the passenger seat of my car for an impromptu conference call.Yes, it is sideways, but I am going somewhere with this.

With multiple roles including mom/wife, community volunteer and business
person, many times I end up working in a coffee shop or my car and sometimes I
don’t see my home office for days. As long as I have an Internet connection and my
phone, I’m good. Even better is when I have my computer AND an Internet

Compared to many of my friends and clients I consider myself an intermediate
user, more advanced in some areas, less advanced in others.

Here’s my story this week. I was helping a client bring up a new website – no, I am not a web guru but can put up simple sites and like to offer that when helping my clients with projects. This helps keep their costs low. So, in the midst of working on this site, I was fiddling in my hosting account and didn’t realize until today (36 hours later) that I had blown up my own site and it wasn’t displaying to the world. Yikes! That isn’t good. I immediately got on the phone with tech support and 5 minutes later I was on my way. Sometimes it is as simple as a messed up / or , darn coding. 😛

This got me to thinking. I still make mistakes and I have been heavily on the internet for a while. I posted the picture above sideways because I took it with my iPhone, while in the car, and was having trouble rotating it. I thought it was a good example of technology getting the best of us sometimes. I still get nervous that I’m going to mess something up – and as evidenced, I do. Bottom Line: It’s ok. As the self help gurus proclaim: work through the fear.

Technology is here to stay. While Baby Boomers may be catching up, the next generation – the Millennials rely on it. This is how they buy, share and learn. Many think “If I cannot find it on the Internet it must not exist.” Are you on the internet? You’re reading this so I know you exist. 🙂

As scary as it may be, it is time to embrace technology and use it to your advantage in business. There are freelancers and smart people who can help you and yes, they are affordable. I know this because I use them. I’m happy to share my recommendations.

How do you feel about technology? Do you use it in your business? Do you need to use it more?  I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below as I appreciate hearing from you.

Written by VaNessa Duplessie

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  1. Oliver Tausend

    Hi Vanessa,

    thanks for sharing your insights. I am glad that I am only am intermediate user. I know my limitations with practical details, and that’s a good thing because it saves me a lot of time. I don’t play around much so I don’t mess up much.

    Take care


  2. Robert

    Hi Vanessa,

    I can really appreciate the feeling you describe here, technology is daunting, even for me, an experienced programmer and IT computer administrator!

    No one ever will “know it all” – the technology growth is toooooo fast!

    And I underscore your quote:
    “As scary as it may be, it is time to embrace technology and use it to your advantage in business. There are freelancers and smart people who can help you and yes, they are affordable. I know this because I use them. I’m happy to share my recommendations.”

    I’m also one of those freelancers, and I see the people come that suffer the tech bugs and yes, the woe-full look in their eyes…

    Also, hey, your not alone, in unknowingly killing your own system – It happens. I’ve been there too. 😉


    • VaNessa Duplessie

      I appreciate your comments and your post. Freelancers are wonderful. I like to leave some things to the experts!

  3. Hameed Hemmat

    Thank you for your post Vanessa. I believe technology is like money. You can understand it’s purpose, learn it and leverage off of it to create opportunities beyond what you could ever imagine, or you can choose to not adapt to the times and miss out on incredible opportunities.

    We don’t have to be tech geeks, but by understanding technology’s purpose we can choose to master it or allow technology to master us.

    Anyhow great post. All the best.

    Hameed Hemmat

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