Hey Everyone! It is Labor Day in America. Happy Day off to many Americans. (I wrote about this a few days ago).

I wanted to take a few minutes today to write this short note of encouragement. Encouragement for what you ask? Well, tomorrow, Tuesday September 6th, marks the beginning of a new season. You see, for most Fall begins later in September. For me it begins the day after Labor Day  just like my personal year begins in October when my birthday arrives. Ad no, I’m not silly for making up my own seasons or own years, I just decide that I like to play by my rules and when I can make them up I do.

Don’t worry, I still celebrate Christmas and New Years Day but I don’t set my personal achievement goals by those dates.

I digress…back to my point. Tomorrow starts the beginning of a new schedule…the kids are getting ready to go back to school and my schedule will shift now that both of them will be in school a few days a week. (I have a PreKindergartener and a Second Grader). Then Football season starts and the the holiday season begins as we prepare for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The weather will start to change as summer wanes and the nights come earlier.

THIS IS MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR. Seriously, I have an October Birthday and am a total Fall loving baby.

From a business perspective what this means is that I start to ramp up every year about this time. And if you are a Network Marketer, you know this time between now and Christmas is THE TIME to grow your business big-time. Then things will slow a bit in January before the Spring ramp up and summer slow down. It’s just the cycle.Don’t get me wrong people build great businesses all year but NOW is when we hit our prime stride and can grow faster than fast.

Why you ask? Well, with summer over and people getting back into their regular routines they have more time to pay attention to what you have to offer. Are you prepared and ready to show them your best? Ready to show them why you and your business?

If not, there’s still time, and all is not lost. You just need to start NOW.

The areas I am preparing right now to expand in are how to better train my team, keep them inspired and generate more leads to share with them.

I always teach, “As soon as you have 1 person on your team, YOU are a leader. YOU need to lead them because they look up to you”.

So for those who have small teams and are not sure  what can you do to help your team drop me a note as I have a bunch of suggestions.

For those of you who manage large teams – your leadership is greatly appreciated. Keep on doing what you do and improving on what’s working.

To the Top!