News, Updates, & Resources

Are Your Beliefs Preventing Goal Achievement?

Everyone has conscious or subconscious ideas that can become limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals if we let them. Sometimes these beliefs are instilled in us in childhood and sometimes we create them ourselves. An example of a limiting belief that...

3 Exercises To Get What You Really Want

If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not something that simple comes your way; you have to put a little effort into, as well. There are techniques that you can use in order to make the...

What Does Being Productive Really Mean?

Living a life of productivity is definitely a worthy pursuit. However, the term is thrown around so much nowadays that the actual definition has lost its importance. “Productivity” has become yet another catch phrase used in employee training seminars and self-help...

A Tribute To My Friend LT

Today marks a new day. A new chapter. The retiring of one of my best friends. She was always there for me, noon or night. Faithful and did whatever I asked, even when I pushed her buttons and her limits, which I did often. She still loved me. Her name is LT. We've...

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Do You Still Dream?

2 years ago I participated in a program called Share Your Dream Friday. I took the time to think about what I really wanted to accomplish in life. Watch this 3 minute video to see what I decided meant the world to me. When you find your sweet spot, nothing can stop...

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October 2013 begins!

Its the first of October. For MOST, its the last quarter of the business calendar year. This is truth for me too, my business runs on the calendar year. However, today for me is the first day of MY personal new year. My birthday is in 3 days (I do not say that for...

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Enounce – Video Replay Speed EnhancementTool

If you watch a lot of videos and webinar replays like I do, this hot little video speeder up thingy is for you. It's quite interesting to listen to your favorite trainer at a faster speed and at the same time, its efficient. What the program does is take video replays...

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Small Nugget

Knowing WHO you serve and your target market is critical to being profitable in your business. The, "I can market to EVERYONE" doesn't fly. WHO do YOU become the "go to person" for.....that's your niche. Become the specialist you are and watch what happens.  

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Who Do You Hang Around With?

Things that make you go hmmm... Who do you hang around with? People who open doors and opportunities for you or people who are comfortable where they are and don't try new things? If you are to earn the average of the 5 people you hang around most - might make sense...

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Who Mentors You?

Who do you trust to tell you the truth about your business and your life? Who do you turn to when you need advice on making a move or two in your business? There are mentors for every stage of every business who WILL tell you the truth not just what you want to hear...

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Coaching Services For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs