News, Updates, & Resources

Are Your Beliefs Preventing Goal Achievement?

Everyone has conscious or subconscious ideas that can become limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals if we let them. Sometimes these beliefs are instilled in us in childhood and sometimes we create them ourselves. An example of a limiting belief that...

3 Exercises To Get What You Really Want

If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not something that simple comes your way; you have to put a little effort into, as well. There are techniques that you can use in order to make the...

What Does Being Productive Really Mean?

Living a life of productivity is definitely a worthy pursuit. However, the term is thrown around so much nowadays that the actual definition has lost its importance. “Productivity” has become yet another catch phrase used in employee training seminars and self-help...

Superbowl Commercial Time!

Well friends, it is a big day for many folks in marketing. Superbowl Sunday is upon us and even if you don't like football there are many folks who watch just for the commercials. Today is a day where millions of dollars are spent vying for our attention and money....

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Following My Own Advice – Social Media

It has been very busy in my neck of the woods the last 2 weeks. As promoter for TheBDevent, a Business Development Networking Event for the data storage industry I have been up to my eyeballs in logistics to host 150 executives in California. Today at 9:45 am I am...

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Coaching Services For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs