News, Updates, & Resources

Are Your Beliefs Preventing Goal Achievement?

Everyone has conscious or subconscious ideas that can become limiting beliefs that stop us from achieving our goals if we let them. Sometimes these beliefs are instilled in us in childhood and sometimes we create them ourselves. An example of a limiting belief that...

3 Exercises To Get What You Really Want

If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not something that simple comes your way; you have to put a little effort into, as well. There are techniques that you can use in order to make the...

What Does Being Productive Really Mean?

Living a life of productivity is definitely a worthy pursuit. However, the term is thrown around so much nowadays that the actual definition has lost its importance. “Productivity” has become yet another catch phrase used in employee training seminars and self-help...
The Top 5 People You Want In Your Network

The Top 5 People You Want In Your Network

It won't do you any good to create a network if you build it with people who don't support your end goal. Having the wrong network can turn out to be worse than not having one at all. There are five specific types of people you want to include in your network. These...

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4 Step Goal Setting Strategy

4 Step Goal Setting Strategy

Everyone has certain goals they want to reach. It might be weight loss or finances in your personal life, or specific business growth goals in your career. Regardless of what milestones you want to achieve, you won't get there if all you have is the end result in...

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Part 1: The Top 10 Self Esteem Leeches

Part 1: The Top 10 Self Esteem Leeches

Self Esteem in business is critical, especially for Entrepreneurs. Having a healthy self-esteem means that you have confidence. You feel sure in what you can do. You like who you are as a person and you respect yourself. It means that you can see the value of being...

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Adding Relationships To Solo Work At Home

Adding Relationships To Solo Work At Home

Owning your own work at home business can be a very lonely affair. You could spend all day by yourself, in your bedroom or office. Unlike a normal office, you get little to no social interaction. Working alone like this can be quite unhealthy for many reasons. It can...

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Seven Ways To Market A Home Business

Seven Ways To Market A Home Business

One of the greatest challenges of any home based business is bringing in customers. Unlike a physical storefront, with a home based business nobody is going to just "walk by" and make a purchase. You have to be proactive. You have to get your message in front of your...

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How To Program Your Conscious Mind

How To Program Your Conscious Mind

You are probably familiar with how the subconscious mind sometimes sets out to sabotage the conscious mind. This is not to say that you have a split personality, but the subconscious does play a role in the human mind. A long time ago, the subconscious mind could have...

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Developing The Mind-Set To Reach Your Goals

Developing The Mind-Set To Reach Your Goals

Have you ever noticed anyone in your life that has a sunny disposition, all the time? Have you also noticed that this individual seems to sail through life, as well? Well, perhaps the right mind set is the key to real and lasting happiness. At the end of the day,...

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Coaching Services For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs