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Momentum Based Planning

Momentum Based Planning

Momentum-Based Planning: Such a better way! I’ve tried a lot of ways to plan out my days. Calendars, day planners, lists, charts and tons of apps have been developed to help us manage our time better. But I haven’t found anything that’s actually helped me FEEL better...

4 Step Goal Setting Strategy

4 Step Goal Setting Strategy

Everyone has certain goals they want to reach. It might be weight loss or finances in your personal life, or specific business growth goals in your career. Regardless of what milestones you want to achieve, you won't get there if all you have is the end result in...

Seven Ways To Market A Home Business

Seven Ways To Market A Home Business

One of the greatest challenges of any home based business is bringing in customers. Unlike a physical storefront, with a home based business nobody is going to just "walk by" and make a purchase. You have to be proactive. You have to get your message in front of your...

How To Program Your Conscious Mind

How To Program Your Conscious Mind

You are probably familiar with how the subconscious mind sometimes sets out to sabotage the conscious mind. This is not to say that you have a split personality, but the subconscious does play a role in the human mind. A long time ago, the subconscious mind could have...